Simple, Transparent,
and Affordable Pricing

Performance Management & Career Development


per person/month

Manager Ratings
Self Reflections
Leveling Framework
ONA Network Surveys
Development plans / PIPs
Alignment / Usage analytics
Peer 360’s
Promo packets
Billed annually. Minimum pricing applies. Enterprise pricing discounts available.
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Employee Engagement


per person/month

Engagement Surveys
GenAI summaries
Group analysis
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OKRs & Goals


per person/month

Cascading objectives and key results
OKRS can be incorporated into the perf review
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Continuous feedback & recognition


per person/month

Continuous feedback
Continuous recognition
Slack/Team integration
Received feedback + recognition can be incorprated into the perf review.
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Custom Analytics,
Reporting & Training

9-box analysis
Employee Trainings
Engagement Survey Analyses
Manager trainings
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95% customer satisfaction rating

“Confirm is great! It's so comprehensive and answers all the questions for employees about what their performance ratings mean for them. There's a lot of rich information there and in a user-friendly format. Love this!"

Jess Johanssen
CHRO at Canada Goose

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